


Licensed Pug & Chihuahua breeder in Burnham-on-crouch Essex

Former breeding dogs looking for retirement homes

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When some of our dogs are past the stage of successful breeding, sometimes we make the very difficult choice to put them up for adoption to people who can offer a loving home. Ideally I prefer these girls to go to people who have had a previous puppy, or someone who has come recommended, this isn't a must but the older girls or boys have usually been with me from birth so its a much harder part than parting with a puppy. Most who have been homed have gone to live with other members of their families, like Talulah who went to live with her two sons. We also greatly value updates! we all live busy lives now days but don't forget me over Christmas! my phone pings like crazy over the Christmas period of annual updates. 

The age of retired dogs may not necessarily be as old as you may think, its about quality and the mother which is key. I may breed a dog just one time, she may have a healthy litter of puppies but is uninterested and not a naturally good mother, if this doesn't change through this first litter concideration for spaying her may be a option, this leaves a potentially younger dog available for sale.

As a responsible dog breeder in Essex, I also take this opportunity to give them a full medical at this point. All my retired dogs are spayed or neutered before leaving, and if they need any dental work, this is done at the same time. Retired Pugs may also have their nostrils widened while they are under, so their breathing will be less impaired as they grow older.

Contact me here to apply for any of my retired dogs on sale.

Apply for a Retired Dog


Purchase a loving retired dog here

When you buy a retired breeding dog from Moonathena Puppies, you will receive his/hers full medical history, vaccination card and home health records. I don't give any retired dog away for free. All my dogs are valuable to me and my family; them being a little older doesn't necessarily make them a cheap buy or expendable.

We are caring and conscientious home dog breeder in Essex, and I will only home them to applicants who I feel will provide them with a loving home with updates for our family



  • Dog breeder in Essex | Moonathena Puppies gallery image 1


Coat & Colour: 
Date of birth: 
Medical history: 
Suitable for children: 
Flat or house: 

Enquire Now


Whether you are looking for mature dogs, or Chihuahua and Pug puppies for sale in Essex, you can find them right here at Moonathena.

Visit our Puppy Applications page or call me directly on 07723 984177.

 Puppy Applications